If you want to make it to the top, start your career with the right first job (RFJ). T. Muralidharan, the Chairman of TMI group and one of India's top recruiters and career consultants, reveals this secret after studying the r??sum??s of some of the most successful CEOs and leaders. The old saying, 'There are many ways to skin a cat', applies perfectly to career success.
While each of these successful people took a different route to the top, all of them started with the RFJ. So, what are the characteristics of the RFJ? How will you find this magic RFJ which can propel you to the top? Does the RFJ vary from person to person? If so, why does it vary? How does it vary? And how does one get the RFJ? This book caters not only to students who will be stepping into the corporate world for the first time but also to those who are stuck in the wrong job. An Expert's Guide to Your Right First Job highlights the importance of knowing your personality, finding the right industry, choosing the right first employer and other such important decisions related to your career. This book is an essential read for anyone who wants to jumpstart their career.
About the Author
T. Muralidharan, is a first generation entrepreneur, who established the TMI Group, which is among the top recruiting firms in India. A graduate of IIT Chennai and IIM Ahmedabad, Muralidharan started his company with an initial investment of 50, 000 in 1987 and now has turnover of over 500 million. Over the years, he has helped over a hundred thousand professionals get jobs in the private corporate sector. He writes on issues related to career and employment in leading newspapers and magazines, including The Hindu, The Week and Sakshi. He is also the founder of JobsDialog, India's first exclusive recruitment platform for small and medium enterprises.