Modi and the World: The Ring View Inside Out (Hardcover)

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At the turn of the 21st century, just a decade since economic liberalisation, India was at the threshold of a changing geopolitical environment. The complex 2000s witnessed economic acceleration of China and the ASEAN, West's engagement with South East Asia and the growing shadow of terrorism that has influenced political realities in the region and beyond. As India addresses these concerns, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's global footprint is steadily growing and his one-to-one engagement with the nations of the world has created quite a stir, both at home and abroad. Yet, the thought that looms on many a mind is has his foreign policy made inroads where there were none? How has the perception of India intensified or altered? Does her foreign policy, resting on the foundation of "non-interference"and "friends to all", make her a serious political player or a mere 'non-threat' entity? Is Indian foreign policy still a vestige of the Nehruvian era or has that changed in 2015, under the leadership of the current Prime Minister?

Narendra Modi and the World: The Ring View Inside Out is a comprehensive volume that attempts at answering some of the above questions. This anthology provides an influential insight into Prime Minister Narendra Modi's foreign policy since May 2014 from two standpoints: one, of India; two, of the world. The authors Ÿ?? ministers, diplomats, academicians and political analysts Ÿ?? have assessed the Prime Minister's bilateral and multilateral engagements across different regions. This volume will provide a rare but excellent opportunity for readers of politics and International Relations to delve into the complex world of foreign policy and understand India's rise in the world order. This compendium will be highly influential in Indian and international policy circles and will emerge as a point of reference for scholars, diplomats and students of International Relations alike.

Leading contributors include Farooq Sobhan Ÿ?? former Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh; Dr Nagesh Kumar - Head, United Nations ESCAP South and South-West Asia; Ganeshan Wignaraja Ÿ?? Advisor, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank; Kanti Bajpai Ÿ?? Wilmar Chair in Asian Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore; Dr Mukesh Aghi Ÿ?? President, US-India Business Council; Robert Boggs - former Chief of Political Section, US Embassy, New Delhi; Dr Subramanian Swamy - National President, Janata Party; Lord Dolar Popat - Former UK Minister of the Crown and Government Minister for Business and Transport; and Dr Ashok Lahiri - former Chief Economic Advisor.

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