Political risk - the probability that a political action could significantly affect an organization - is changing fast, and it's more widespread than ever before. In the past, the chief concern used to be whether a foreign dictator would nationalize the country's oil industry or impose onerous new regulations. Today, political risk stems from a widening array of political agents, from twitter users and terrorists to local officials, transnational activists, hackers and insurgents. What's more, the very institutions and laws that are supposed to reduce uncertainty and risk often increase it instead. This means that in today's globalized world there are no 'safe' bets. Political risk affects companies and organizations of all sizes, operating everywhere from London to Lahore, even if they don't know it. Political risk investigates and analyses this shifting landscape, suggests what businesses can do to navigate it, and explains how all of us can better understand and deal with these rapidly changing geopolitical dynamics.
About the Author
Condoleezza Rice is the current Denning Professor in Global Business and the Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a professor of Political Science at Stanford University. Rice was the second woman and first African American woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State and the first woman to serve as National Security Advisor under President George W. Bush. Amy Zegart is the founder of Stanford University's Cyber Policy Program, the co-Director of Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation, and the Davies Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. She is a contributing editor at The Atlantic, and her commentary has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and elsewhere. Zegart is an expert in intelligence, cybersecurity and geopolitics, and a sought-after advisor to both government and business executives on each. Her award-winning books include Flawed by Design: The Evolution of the CIA, JCS, and NSC, and Spying Blind: The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11.